Who am I?
My name is Ashish Ranjan. I am a Former Rocket Scientist at the Indian Space Research Organization, and a former Nuclear scientist at the Department of Atomic Energy (BARC). Would you believe it if I told you that exactly 6 years before I became a scientist at Indian Space Research Organization, I failed in physics? Will you believe that I was always a less-than-average student?
Done seminars across the country, given talks in multiple colleges, TEDx Speaker, host at Ashish Ranjan Talks (ART). 170+ episodes and counting. I run two different Youtube Channels: Torq4712 (220K+ Subscribers) & Ashish Ranjan (40K Subscribers). When you see me giving talks in front of hundreds and when you see my podcasts being watched and listened to by thousands, will you believe if I said I was once an introvert?
I don’t know if you can believe all that but since you hung around so long, let me tell you what I believe. I believe,
"Anyone can change if the desire is sufficient, anyone can learn if the direction is correct. The only thing you were handed over without any discrimination was time, the only free choice you really have is what you do with the time you are given"
My Career, Profession & Business in Short:
Department medalist in Mechanical Engineering (CGPA: 9.57/10)
Selected in BARC 2017
Selected in IIT Bombay | Masters in Mechanical Engineering- Design
Former Scientist @ Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
Former Scientific Officer @ Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
Degree in Nuclear Science & Engineering from BARC Training School.
TEDx Speaker.
3 years experience as a Personality Coach.
5 years experience as a Career Consultant.
Former teacher of Mechanical Engineering at the Undergraduate Level
Founder of "Art of Speaking", "Sustainable Youtube Career" and "Podcast 101"
Host at "Ashish Ranjan Talks" (ART Podcast)
Writer (Author of "The Boy Who Did Not Sign")
Current Location: Los Angeles, California, USA 🇺🇸
Born, Education and Early career in India 🇮🇳
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Personal: @ashish_torq | https://www.instagram.com/ashish_torq/
ART Podcast: @ashishranjantalks | https://www.instagram.com/ashishranjantalks/
Torq Seminars: @torqseminars | https://www.instagram.com/torqseminars/
🜸 Website: https://ashishtorq.com
🎥 Youtube:
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ashishtorq
Podcast clips: https://www.youtube.com/@AshishRanjantalks
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🎙️Podcast (Ashish Ranjan Talks | ART):
1. Spotify
4. Amazon Music
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